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Not being able to stand for a few minutes to being almost completely pain-free.

(was suffering from herniated disc, gluteos medius tendinopathy and trochanteric bursitis)

 Hi there. My name is Karla and I would like to share my experience with you. I had chronic pain for 15+ years and I was diagnosed with scoliosis, which I have, some hernias and later on bursitis.

I have done MRI, X-rays and all sorts of different imageries, tests.

Throughout my life, I've done physiotherapy, massages, acupuncture on and off pain killers. You name it, even go surgery then. On and off yes, I have few reliefs. I never, got it sorted. It was always good for a very short period of time, but then later on or or after a few days, I would have the symptoms back again.

It was very frustrating because I couldn't stand for more than a few minutes. I couldn't queue without feeling pain and discomfort. I couldn't clean my own house. I couldn't be on a sofa watch television for more than 5 minutes. I couldn't sleep in this in certain ways. I have to always be changing positions throughout the night. So, it was very, very challenging time and and very frustrating.

It got to a point in my life that I really thought I was broken and that the only thing left was to accept the pain, accept the situation, and just get on with it. So it was, it was quite hard to, to deal with the frustration. I think it was the main thing trying to understand that why I was unable to get better, especially after doing all sorts of consultations and seeing doctors and and specialists. I just couldn't understand why that if I have an MRI, it tells me what I have, why I could not get better.

So anyway, after all these frustrating years, I, met Avnita. And, it was only when I met her that I was able to fully understand the connection between mind and body. And how emotions, are deeply connected and how they can influence physical pain. So I think the initial experience I observed with Avnita, that he was a or what is a save and attentive environment.

Avnita offers meetings also one to one and also in groups and the groups, I always felt safe as well. And I was always felt part of it and is a very supportive group. Throughout our one to one group sessions I learned a lot and I was able to understand my emotions, some traumas, and how them influence directly into the pain into your body pain. Progressively, I could also noticed the reduction of the pain session by session which made me feel, very hopeful, that I was doing the right thing because I've been doing the sessions since November, December.

And every month I can notice that things that I wasn't able to do it now I am without any problem and old symptoms or pains or aggravations they are no longer a problem anymore.

So that makes me really happy and and confident. I think that having the knowledge also - it's it is life changing. So you have the knowledge of your body you have the knowledge of your own emotions. I understand myself much better now So, that helps me to understand my own body also.

Every session with, Avnita, she teaches you, tools and tools to reduce the symptoms tools to deal with a crisis if he comes up. Tools to become a better person, more confident, more knowledgeable, so throughout the sessions, you will learn new techniques that will help you such as tapping, journalling, Lifestyle Prescriptions, personal affirmations. Not only affirmations, but your own personal affirmations there will mean something to you.

But anyway, today, I'm feeling much more confident and stronger, because I have the knowledge and the right tools to help myself and to become a pain-free woman.

I think it's really important to share my experience with you all. And I really wish I knew that earlier, But, hey, it's, it's always good to know, and it's never too late to improve our lives. I'm very grateful for the meetings and very grateful for meeting Avnita.

And It has been honestly an incredible time.
Thank you all and good luck.


- Karla Boncompagni 


Being in pain 24/7 to coming off pain-killers and getting active again

(diagnosed with centralised sensitisation syndrome)

Hi, Avnita. Thank you so much for your help and your support.

When we first started working together, I was in a really bad place. I was, taking painkillers on a very daily basis because I experienced back pain 24/7 and I had been in pain for, oh gosh, more than than ten years. I think it was, 15 years by now. So say it was really taking a toll on me, both physically, but also, mentally.

And, thanks to your help and your support, I started on my journey to get a lot better I'm proud to say that I haven't taken any painkillers for the last a couple of months.

I also started running, exercising more and I even finished my first 5K a couple weeks ago. And that was, like, the first I’ve done in, like, I don't know, 20 years or or something. So, yeah, I'm I'm really, really happy.

And even more importantly, besides the fact that I'm doing a lot more exercise and that I'm being able to be more active, which I am enjoying. I also like experience quite a lot of days where I don't feel like any back pain.

I'm really grateful for all your help and support. 

- Kristof Maeyens 


Sciatic Nerve Pain and Herniated Disc Reduced 97% 

Hi there. My name is Robyn. I had 2 sessions with Avnita earlier this summer and I'm quite pleased with how they both turned out.

At the time, I was suffering quite a lot from a sciatic nerve issue all the way down my right leg as a result of my herniated disc. I still have the herniated disc, but I'm happy to report that the sciatic nerve issues seem to have improved to about 97% of normal.

In the 2 sessions that I had with Avnita, in addition to using EFT, we dug deep down with Matrix Reimprinting and worked on forgiving myself and others from my past. I assumed the role of myself as a child, as well as other key people and had conversations of love, reassurance and offered guidance with Avnita's help.

As much as I have a physically herniated disc at L5S1. I very much believe that my work with Avnita helped resolve this issue. Every since my sessions with her in July and August, my physical sciatic condition has continued to improve as I dig deep and work on my varied emotions and I'm extremely grateful for the help she gave me.

Thank you, Avnita.


- Robyn Mumford

"I have been suffering from intermittent stomach pains for a few years...

In my one and only session with her, she clearly explained the process and the power of the self to heal...The effect was unbelievable as when I started the session with her I was in agonising pain but at the end although I felt exhausted the pain had simply disappeared."


- Kailash Trilochun, barrister

"My knee pain would often come on during the cold winter months. This year it got particularly bad, with it being swollen, too. Having joined the program with Avnita, and only a couple of weeks in, the pain and swelling have gone. I can now do my brisk walking and yoga poses like I used to". 

~ Hansa Pankhania

"Those who suffer with chronic pain, check out Avnita Suri. This lady helped me with my sciatica, slipped disc and carpal tunnel." 


- Magda Tudor

"About two month ago I had a session with Avnita. She held a wonderful healing space for me, to explore where the pain in my body originated. Once we got to where my pain came from, she guided me through change it and the pain I had since 2011, so over 5 years, was gone. It came back twice since, but because I know why it was there I was able to pay special attention to the area in my life we discussed and the pain would go away again in no time. I'm ever so grateful for this beautiful session we had together and would absolutely recommend it to anyone who has pain in their physical body. You won't regret spending time with Avnita! :)Sending you Love&Light my dear, keep on shining, Annika"

- Annika Suoma Frey

"Since childhood I've struggled with headaches. I tried doctors, even dentists, bite guard, physical therapy, myofacial release, soft foods, yoga and a chiropractor. The latter 2 definitely helped with constant pain. I was also struck by fibromyalgia. With Bradley Nelson's Body Code, the joint pain went. However, it was when I had 2 sessions with Avnita that both my headaches and neck pain completely went away. The sessions were amazing. I have to say Avnita is so good at the guided discovery piece. Her gently, encouraging, kindness is such an asset to this process. Thank you Avnita"

Update after 4 yrs: "Avnita Suri, we did work together years ago. I shared Body Code with you and you shared the guided tapping technique with me, including recreating a new birth story. Honestly one of my most amazing healing experiences. The skull pain from birth trauma is still gone! So much love and gratitude for you and your work".


-  Kathy Neely Huston


"...When I approached you, I was suffering from degenerative disc disorder, slipped disc problem with back pain and knee pain... Your drugless therapy is amazing and your fee is also affordable when compared to highly rated therapists. I think more people should know about your therapy. Thank you once again Avnita and God bless you!!"


-Harini Prabhala

"Half my body's numbness gone in 1 session with Avnita​. She is Amazing!"

- Elizabeth Alvarado

(Diagnosed with fibromyalgia, costochondritis, chronic fatigue, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis and collapsed arches by GPs and orthopaedic surgeon).

Had pain all over and now almost completely pain-free.


- Raeleen

"Before I joined Avnita's online course, the pain in my hip and thighs were quite high, I was taking painkillers regularly to manage the pain, went to the doctors who found nothing wrong, saw a chiropractor which made the pain worse... Slowly, the pain completely disappeared, only appearing occasionally... it has helped me relax much more and I can sleep much better."


- Mansukh Pankhania, Leicester

"For the past 4 to 5 years I have been suffering from a head-aches. This affected almost every single aspect of my life.


Avnita slowly talked me through the basics of self-healing. Her approach was more scientific that I thought. It did not take long for my original scepticism to fade away. She dredged out from quite distant past issues that I would have never thought had anything to do with my head-ache. The therapy was emotionally draining and mentally slightly tiring but she walked at my paste through the process and showed great understanding and patience. She could sense when I was tumbling and when I needed to go slower. We had booked another session in a week but I never had to take it as since that one session I never had the pain again and that six months ago.


I can honestly say that I got more than my husband paid for in that one therapy session. I have now forgotten about the pain and have been able to enjoy a ‘normal’ life.I have never recommended anything to anyone that I do not know and I won’t break that rule now all I will say is that it has worked for me!"


- Sabrina Ramdin

"I went to Avnita for pain in my uterus from endometriosis and fibroids and also for trouble sleeping.  

After just 3 sessions with her, I have experienced no pain in my uterus anymore and I have been able to fall asleep without a problem and stay sleep throughout the night. She has an amazing gift and I would recommend her wholeheartedly."


- YP

(Diagnosed with jammed sacroiliac joint and wear and tear, and arthritis in hips)

"My back pain has completely gone and I am doing everything completely normally again. I’m delighted, as you can imagine! Today, I took part in a 10k running event without any problems at all, the first time I have done this distance since March.

I am feeling stronger and fitter than ever before. I honestly don’t know how I would be now if you hadn’t helped me when you did. I can’t thank you enough."


- SR 

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